Welfare Officer
The role of our volunteer RSL Sub-Branch Welfare Officer's, Bill Wilson, Kay Benson, John Kearnes is to provide welfare assistance to members of the ex-service community in accordance with the mission and associated policies and procedures of the RSL Queensland Branch and having regard for relevant regulatory requirement.
This division is responsible for accessing lifestyle assistance for the veteran community and can help you with obtaining community support which you may require to assist you with your daily living.
The RSL has a number of experienced Welfare Officers who can assist with information and referrals to a myriad of services, including:
Carers and supporting carers in their caring role
Various forms of assistance for the veteran and ex-service community
Veterans home care
Crisis intervention
Funeral poppy services
Defence Service homes referrals
Veterans and veteran's families counselling services
Veterans home maintenance line
DVA transport for treatment
Veterans affairs networks
Health issue referrals
Assistance with understanding residential aged care
Assistance with advice concerning living independently
Seniors information
Our Welfare Officer will assist by:
Conducting interviews for the ex-service organisation in welfare matters
Refer veterans for relevant assistance to the appropriate authority
Maintaining their knowledge of DVA matters and what services are available in the local area
Attend training
Undertake home and hospital visits
Representation if approved, at Funerals and conduct ESO ceremonies where applicable
Liaise and network with other organisations and service providers
Maintaining confidentiality at all times.
Bill can be contacted on 0414 342 301 or bill.wilson48@hotmail.com